Our Approach
Site inspections are one of the key operatives of the LIHTC and other affordable housing programs, and a thorough UPCS inspection is vital to long-term success of your property. Preferred Compliance Solutions offers detailed physical and file inspections to reduce tax credit recapture risk for your property owner. Each inspection is completed with minimum disruption to ensure your property is in good order. We promptly notify you of necessary improvements.
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Friendly, Reliable Inspections to Keep You in the Know
Because you deserve quality site inspections, Preferred Compliance Solutions values keeping your property in top shape with detailed inspections of your property grounds, exteriors, systems, and interiors. We also perform random file reviews and unit inspections.
Complete and Unobtrusive
- Complete physical inspections adhere to UPCS standards and building codes
- We inspect common areas, grounds, systems, individual units, and more
- Review of rent records, certification files, and supporting documentation
- A detailed report of noncompliance findings is provided with guidance to resolve
Frequently Asked Questions
What are REAC inspections?
HUD’s Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) is responsible for assuring all affordable housing is safe, decent, and affordable to the public. All units and files are randomly selected. An REAC-certified inspector is responsible to assess the physical condition of units and confirm that they meet the federal Uniform Physical Condition Standard (UPCS). REAC inspections are sometimes called “UPCS inspections” because they follow the UPCS code.
What is UFAS?
The Uniform Federal Accessibility Standard (UFAS) is a federally mandated standard that outlines development design specifications to meet the housing needs of individuals with disabilities. All new federally assisted housing with five or more units must design and set aside five percent of its units or one unit (the greater of the two options)for tenants with mobility disabilities. An additional two percent of the units or least one unit (the greater of the two) must be designed and set aside for tenants with hearing or visual disabilities. UFAS compliance include parking spaces to unit design.
When is a UPCS physical inspection performed?
All LIHTC and other affordable housing buildings are inspected during the second year following the year the last building was placed in service, and then at least every three years thereafter. Inspection frequencies are based a REAC score from the time of the last inspection. A passing score is 60 out of 100, if a score is 79 and below, the property is inspected annually; if a score is between 80-89, the property is inspected every two years; scores of 90 or higher are inspected every three years.
What can I expect during a UPCS physical inspection?
A REAC inspection will assess the overall physical condition of the site, including the fencing, gates, grounds, parking lots, play areas, building exteriors, building systems, property common areas, individual unit conditions, and health and safety concerns.
How can I find my HUD REAC score?
REAC scores are posted annually by state at: HUD REAC Score